Tuesday, August 18, 2020

 Existence is no more than the precarious attainment
of relevance in an intensely mobile flux of past, present and future.
But even the most relevant events carry within them the form of their obsolescence.

Thus, a single work is eventually a contribution to a body of work;
the details of a life form part of a life history;
an individual life history appears unintelligible
apart from social, economic, and cultural history;
and the life of a society is the sum of "preceding conditions."

Friday, August 14, 2020

life has a way of fucking you over
except life is abstract
and not yourself?
so how can it be doing it

Thursday, August 13, 2020

i don't know what i'm doing here
three years from the last time
looking over this webbing of memories
nostalgia truly is rose covered glass

my stream of consciousness is a trickle
no no
not even a trickle
and my tabula rasa is freshly scrubbed
no way to describe these (lack of) emotions

fundamentally something has changed in my mind
perhaps maturity and moving away from my
'formative years'
but these dark thoughts do not plague me -- existential
i guess i've seen enough that the thoughts are no longer
my fears, depression and anxiety now is a vivid reality
embedding solidly in reality

my artistry and wordplay has been dulled by academia
creativity crushed by the demands of tweed jackets
three years

i suppose thoughts age well
maybe because they're no longer freshly seeped
maybe my choice of entertainment and consumption has deteriorated
sedated me into a lull of mindlessness and unable to fathom deeper thought

maybe i was truly brilliant and looking back now, with awe, i realize
i'm a shadow of my former self
was that state of mind worth the brilliance coming from it?
perhaps, perhaps not. that is a dangerous line of thought
am i happier?
am i the same?
why does my keyboard want to double space?
will this be seen as brilliant as my former work?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

like the end of something wonderful sometimes
the heat just consumes until the end is 
perfectly infused into the entropy that is nothingness
how inconsequentially aligned finite endings are to
entropic confusion and pointless thoughts

when it rains it's poor
isn't that the adage?
when the life blood is most needed it's
just collected in a dilapidated bucket
still leaking in the bottom

i guess the filigree written in reality
the finest fucking lines ever written
are "the end is just a beginning"
and nothing is really concluded except
for each individual quanta of time that
will never be repeated and never be felt or 
understood again

the conflagration is all consuming
enveloping with it old worry and my old self
leaving behind (rising in new glory)
a more imperfect form
full of anxiety and stress

the only thing left to do then
is to accept chaos as a constant
nothing is a realization of substance
and to realize all things
just aren't meant to align

Sunday, September 11, 2016

i haven't posted in a while
so much has happened
so much good and
so much whatever

i don't really know where to begin
the introspection that used to plague (or bless) my subconscious
seems to have taken a long holiday and
i guess it's there it'll stay

instead i rush around thinking of the here and now
caught spinning and turning
dancing the Pidikhtos, circular
directional but never really going anywhere

and i guess that's where i am now
lost and not really able to express my thoughts
and i truly ask myself if i'll ever be able to again

i reread a lot of my blog and the posts and realized
that i have a way with words
and perhaps it's just me and it's my own
validation because i expressed feelings i can related to

but if i express feelings i understand
then maybe someone else also relates

maybe that's the thing with writing
why some authors just get it.
you read and you relate intimately for no
justifiable or tangible reason

in my case it's easy, i wrote them
but i sometimes give this blog to friends
as a way to say 'this is how i really am'
because to me it so perfectly paints the details
that make up who i am

but really it can be reduced to a few short lines
that don't rhyme or really have any rhythm to them
that are read more out of pity rather than conception

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

looking over things
i guess January was either perfect 
or perfectly distracting because i didn't write at all

i was playing football with a kid i knew
and we began talking and i guess
i can't avoid talking about either myself
or about deep subjects
or both

but i talked about depression
and without really talking about it i told him
all the shit that my life has been made of
the deep fissures of darkness that swallow up
rational thought into inexplicable obsessions of irrationality
speculations and fear developed solely from speculation

and without actually saying anything
i painted a web waxwork fear and darkness, which
the truth seemed to appear

of course when i talk about it i myself begin to slip back
into the caverns, being caught in the very web i'm spinning
but perhaps most importantly as i struggle into the web
and wrap myself into hopelessness
i look into myself and reflect

and this deep self-reflection i personally attribute
to my depression
although now i reflect deeply when depressed, i think
that it started out
with deep reflection on who i was and the uncertainty and the
speculation of what i was that planted that seed that grew into the 
entangled mess that is my torture

and for that i'm grateful
not because being depressed is great
and life is wonderful, but because
well i have a certain perspective
a perspective unique to me, deep to me
and sure someone else has thought of it
but the synthesis from within myself draws its own conclusions
which allows me to related deeply
and understand deeply

but deep understanding means nothing
if i'm wrapped in nothingness.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

it's curious to me when things go wrong
cascading into almost limitless expanse
what is even more odd is the sudden turn around
i continually model my world after laws
scientific ideals and truth that i can see and handle
and yet, sometimes, real life just simply
doesn't work

i guess...
well i don't really know.
but existence isn't comprehensible
and i've spent time reading and writing
contemplating and questioning what it all means
because meaning... well
meaning needs to exist when you have laws
predictability and principles
the core of meaninglessness is randomness and nothingness
the synonym, pointless
really meaning it doesn't come to a head,
never resolves
never really concludes or gives way to something else
it just is

things just seem to happen, good or bad
and i conclude them good or bad based on feelings i have
feelings given by complicated mechanisms that are almost literally
so for unexplained reasons (beyond the superficial) i feel
and those feelings constitute whether or not something is good or bad,
or in other words, hold meaning
and the feelings are almost random, unpredictable and lawless
literally without principle or prediction
and without principles or laws
really, it's meaningless
it just is

and if those feelings
(for which we live) cannot provide meaning
then what does?
and if life is built up of correlational feelings
then is life meaningless?
and if life is meaningless, and that is the reality of existence
what really is existence?
clearly it is not found by some deeper understanding
of the fate of humanity or the universe or anything
buried in books or nature
because all those things are baseless, meaningless
and quite literally
existence is beyond comprehension.