Wednesday, February 17, 2016

looking over things
i guess January was either perfect 
or perfectly distracting because i didn't write at all

i was playing football with a kid i knew
and we began talking and i guess
i can't avoid talking about either myself
or about deep subjects
or both

but i talked about depression
and without really talking about it i told him
all the shit that my life has been made of
the deep fissures of darkness that swallow up
rational thought into inexplicable obsessions of irrationality
speculations and fear developed solely from speculation

and without actually saying anything
i painted a web waxwork fear and darkness, which
the truth seemed to appear

of course when i talk about it i myself begin to slip back
into the caverns, being caught in the very web i'm spinning
but perhaps most importantly as i struggle into the web
and wrap myself into hopelessness
i look into myself and reflect

and this deep self-reflection i personally attribute
to my depression
although now i reflect deeply when depressed, i think
that it started out
with deep reflection on who i was and the uncertainty and the
speculation of what i was that planted that seed that grew into the 
entangled mess that is my torture

and for that i'm grateful
not because being depressed is great
and life is wonderful, but because
well i have a certain perspective
a perspective unique to me, deep to me
and sure someone else has thought of it
but the synthesis from within myself draws its own conclusions
which allows me to related deeply
and understand deeply

but deep understanding means nothing
if i'm wrapped in nothingness.  

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