Thursday, August 13, 2020

i don't know what i'm doing here
three years from the last time
looking over this webbing of memories
nostalgia truly is rose covered glass

my stream of consciousness is a trickle
no no
not even a trickle
and my tabula rasa is freshly scrubbed
no way to describe these (lack of) emotions

fundamentally something has changed in my mind
perhaps maturity and moving away from my
'formative years'
but these dark thoughts do not plague me -- existential
i guess i've seen enough that the thoughts are no longer
my fears, depression and anxiety now is a vivid reality
embedding solidly in reality

my artistry and wordplay has been dulled by academia
creativity crushed by the demands of tweed jackets
three years

i suppose thoughts age well
maybe because they're no longer freshly seeped
maybe my choice of entertainment and consumption has deteriorated
sedated me into a lull of mindlessness and unable to fathom deeper thought

maybe i was truly brilliant and looking back now, with awe, i realize
i'm a shadow of my former self
was that state of mind worth the brilliance coming from it?
perhaps, perhaps not. that is a dangerous line of thought
am i happier?
am i the same?
why does my keyboard want to double space?
will this be seen as brilliant as my former work?

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