Wednesday, March 15, 2017

like the end of something wonderful sometimes
the heat just consumes until the end is 
perfectly infused into the entropy that is nothingness
how inconsequentially aligned finite endings are to
entropic confusion and pointless thoughts

when it rains it's poor
isn't that the adage?
when the life blood is most needed it's
just collected in a dilapidated bucket
still leaking in the bottom

i guess the filigree written in reality
the finest fucking lines ever written
are "the end is just a beginning"
and nothing is really concluded except
for each individual quanta of time that
will never be repeated and never be felt or 
understood again

the conflagration is all consuming
enveloping with it old worry and my old self
leaving behind (rising in new glory)
a more imperfect form
full of anxiety and stress

the only thing left to do then
is to accept chaos as a constant
nothing is a realization of substance
and to realize all things
just aren't meant to align

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