Wednesday, December 16, 2015

i have found myself
huddled beneath the new fallen snow
isn't it weird how literally
life can change overnight?
where nothing really has moved in any particular direction
but now there is an awareness, a hope, and something else
that i now feel inside of me

it's weird to think that two days ago i had almost given up
things were not going my way, and i felt i had lost myself
to dreams and realities beyond the scope of my understanding
and beyond the scope of my ability to grasp and accept
as reality

yet now here i am, two days later
humming and dreaming and crying to Brahms 3rd
desiring and wishing to do more, to be better
planning a future of success
where before i was doing nothing more than
grasping at straws or gasping for air
in a sea of doubt and frustrations

there isn't much i can say here
that really express what goes on inside of me
it isn't a simple expression or word or even emotion
it's a complexity that i spend hours pondering over
and still never really grasp what i want or who
i am.

well i am swallowed up in reality
controlled by a future of necessity rather than pleasure
a delicate straw-frame to maintain
my entire existence from falling down

but something changed
and i don't know what it was
or how it came about
or even why
but i am grateful for it

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